Those we love don't go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard but always near
Still loved still missed
And very dear
21st March 2015
George has been part of my life since I was nineteen.I will always remember his generosity, his engaging curiosity and his scouse charm. He was a sexy old bugger too!
Carol A
14th March 2015
When I think of George I always smile.
He had great Scouse comic timing and the only punch line I remember is from a joke George told me:
Man goes into a fishmongers with a trout under his arm.
Man to fishmonger:'Eh mate, do you do fishcakes here?'
Fishmonger to man:'Yes of course sir'.
Man to fishmonger:'Well, can you make this fella one then?' (points to trout under arm).
13th March 2015